& Ezidebit

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Want to find out more?

If you want to find out more about the payments landscape feel free to check out our specially curated resources below. Or is there a specific topic you are looking for? We have thousands of resources on our blog, use the search tool to find topics of interest. Discover the blog now.

Australian SMEs suffer from systemic late payments - to the tune of $115bn

Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are continuing to pay a high price through the widespread late payment of invoices with over half of all trade credit invoices being paid late, according to a new report. Read more...

Top five payment trends for 2020

New technologies and innovations are being introduced faster than ever before, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.

There is now more diversification in the way we pay and receive goods and services and with it, more opportunities for Australian businesses to expand and grow. Read more....

How Direct Debit can work for your business

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard some of the same old excuses from customers for not paying you on time.Placing your customers on a direct debit payment plan allows you to regularly draw payments from your customer’s bank account or credit card. Read more...

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It's been even easier having Ezidebit integrated as part of Console, our property management and trust accounting software provider. We would save around half an hour each day reconciling payments and other administration functions in managing this side of our business.

Carl English

Haven Estate Agents