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Payments done in one

Say goodbye to juggling multiple payment systems to manage your gym or sporting club!

Ezidebit has a proven track record of delivering innovative payment solutions and streamlining operations for health and fitness businesses.

We make it easy to scale and grow with safe, secure and efficient payment solutions. Plus, all card and bank information is encrypted and secure, and backed by our Level 1 PCI DSS compliant infrastructure.

Leverage Ezidebit's powerful payment integration with GymMaster and focus on your business growth.


Streamline your payments

Simple Onboarding

Eliminate payments complexity

Say goodbye to the complexity of managing multiple payment systems. With one account, you can access a range of payment methods within GymMaster.

Flexible and convenient

Flexible and convenient

With a suite of payment options, including online, in-person and recurring payments, offer your members easy ways to pay for memberships, classes, supplements or equipment.

Consolidated reporting

Consolidated reporting

Effortlessly track and manage your financials with consolidated reporting within GymMaster. Stay informed about your revenue streams and make better business decisions.

Single settlement of funds

Single settlement of funds

No more drip fed payments from various channels. With our single settlement feature, cleared funds from different payment methods are combined and deposited into your bank account either daily, weekly or fortnightly to suit you.

Efficient business management

Efficient business management

Streamline your business operations by managing payments and the member experience from one platform. Save time, reduce errors, and focus on what matters most—your members.

Our suite of integrated payment solutions

Direct debit

Direct debit

Easily collect recurring payments from your members with our secure and reliable direct debit option.

Online payments

Online payments

Take payments online for single class passes and exercise packs or bundles with ease.

EFTPOS payments

EFTPOS payments

Take in-person payments with our reliable, feature rich EFTPOS machine, with automatic settlement at the end of each day. Currently available in Australia only.

Hear what others are saying


We've used GymMaster since the start. I'm not a technology wiz and GymMaster is just very easy. I can put anyone on the counter and they can use it. Our direct debits have always been easy with Ezidebit and GymMaster reports everything beautifully.

Why health and fitness businesses choose Ezidebit

When it comes to your gym or sporting club's financial management, you need a payment solution that's tailored to your industry. Ezidebit has been trusted by health and fitness professionals for over 25 years, providing them with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive market.